Wednesday, July 27, 2011

RHONY Reunion Part 1 Thoughts

So last nights RHONY part one reunion was off the chain. The ladies just couldn?t stop arguing and yelling, to the point where Andy Cohen told them they were beasts! Get the deets here. Ladies, ladies, ladies ? Shut up! Shut up and let me ask about it, ok? God, you guys are acting like beasts today? Let her speak; let her f***ing speak! You guys are all f***ing talking. Shut the f*** up! Yes, those are the words that Andy Cohen told the ladies last night after several arguments and shouting matches ensued. Seriously, no one could even answer a question with out getting interrupted. Ok, RHONY ladies! Get it together! After watching the reunion last night I have a few things to say to each and every one of them! Ramona ? This woman seriously seems to have a drinking problem. She couldn?t go anywhere with out her wine. Perhaps that is what she should be worrying about her daughter seeing. She also can dish it out but can?t take it. And honey, you are 54. Those eggs have dust on them by now. It was nice to see her and Sojna?s relationship blossom this season. Sonja ? [...]


Chyler Leigh Ciara Cindy Crawford Cindy Taylor

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