Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Justin Bieber Makes Strange Bedfellows

Could it be that in all of his squeaky-clean glory, Justin Bieber is starting to struggle with having such a nice guy image? Some of the characters that he is beginning to associate himself with are a little on the not-so-nice side. Is he on a fast track to the destruction of his career? Correct me if I?m wrong, but this kid is one of the few artists that parents don?t mind their kids obsessing over. Pardon me if I?m over-reacting, but would those same parents be thrilled about the Biebs hanging with Chris Brown and Kayne West? Those are just two of the artists that JB has been getting involved with lately. Needless to say, Brown and West have a major image/PR problem. Heck, Brown is a convicted felon who beat Rihanna senseless. C?mon Justin?find someone else to collaborate with, man. Now the ?Baby? superstar is actually defending Kanye West against the media who so loathes him. He spent time working on a track with Mr. West recently, and felt the need to chime in about his media woes, saying: ?He?s not really an a**hole like everyone makes him out to be. I mean, he can, he can do [...]


Amanda Marcum Amanda Peet Amanda Righetti Amanda Swisten

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