Friday, May 27, 2011

?The Muppets? Viral Marketing Continues With ?Fuzzy Pack? Trailer

By now we?re all aware that Jim Henson is bringing The Muppets back in a major way with an epic reboot set to debut on November 23?but it?s the brilliant viral marketing that is really steering the ship. Sure, sure, I know. You?re wondering why the heck a celebrity news site is posting about talking stuffed animals. There isn?t a simple answer. You could blame my 80?s upbringing or even a slow news day, but then you?d be missing the point. It?s not that they?re back. It?s not even that they actually have legs this time around. No, it?s that they are doing a fine job parodying other movies in what is proving to be a masterful marketing campaign. Earlier this week, they released a very convincing trailer, which seemed like the preview for a God-awful romance movie. Just as the baritone announcers voice got around to naming the actors, out pops Kermit the frog along with Miss Piggy. It?s hard to tell if the plot being introduced in the trailer is actually part of The Muppets movie, but it was quite funny. Today they?ve handed us an even better one that is shaped around The Hangover: II. Instead of [...]


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