Saturday, May 28, 2011

Christina Aguilera: Over The Years (PHOTOS)

Christina Aguilera is definitely one of the greats. She is one of my personal favorites and I have thoroughly enjoyed watching her grow and evolve over the years. Putting together this post is definitely the reason I love my job so much. I get to write about celebrities and fun stuff from my house. I adore Christina so this was a true pleasure to write. I actually used to watch her on the Mickey mouse club after school, but it wasn?t until years later that I realized those kids grew up to be some of the most famous people on the planet. I have been a true fan of Christina since she came out with Genie In a Bottle. Sure, I thought she was just another Britney wanna be at the time, but I knew all the words and got that song stuck in my head every dang time I heard it. That song also taught me what a whistle register was. Of course that was the argument, she was different ? better then Britney cause she can sing REALLY well. And that whistle register proved it. I watched as she grew, going thorough several phases. She started off as [...]


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