Sunday, August 7, 2011

Henry Cavill Superman Photo in 'Man of Steel'

Henry Cavill Superman Photo in 'Man of Steel'

Sure, Superman is "faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound" -- but did you know that, in director Zack Snyder's upcoming Man of Steel, he's British?

OK, so Superman won't technically be British (no breaks from crime-fighting for afternoon tea at the Ritz), but he will be played by an Englishman: 28-year-old Henry Cavill. And, while we can't vouch for the authenticity of Cavill's American accent just yet, the first photo of the erstwhile Tudors star donning Supes' signature blue tights and red cape should vanquish fans' fears that he won't at least look the part. Check it out above!

The suit is dark blue and the cape a rich red, and both look to be made out of a thick, sturdy material. That, combined with Cavill's defiant stare and imposing build (yeah, the guy may be working out a bit), lends his Superman a dark, confident air. And then there's that iconic "S" insignia on Cavill's chest: It's nice and big and bold -- basically the perfect way to say, "Hey, bad guys, you know who I am. Now's probably a good time to soil your shorts."

All in all, we'd have to say that this photo announces the new Man of Steel's presence with authority. But it also whets the appetite for more, so fingers crossed a first glimpse of Russell Crowe as Supes' Kryptonian dad Jor-El isn't far behind. That'd be just super.

Man of Steel -- which also stars Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Kevin Costner and Diane Lane as Jonathan and Martha Kent, and Michael Shannon as the villainous General Zod -- flies into theaters June 14, 2013.


Whitney Able Whitney Port Willa Ford Xenia Seeberg

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