Friday, June 24, 2011

Justin Bieber Attacked at Macy's

Justin Bieber Attacked at Macy's

What kind of monster would attack Justin Bieber? It's like attacking a baby bunny or a cute little kitten! Nonetheless, an unidentified man tackled Bieber today outside the iconic Herald Square Macy's in New York City. ABC News reports that the singer was uninjured but very "shaken up."

Biebs was at Macy's to promote the launch of his new fragrance, Someday. He was outside greeting the crowd of around 100 fans (most of whom hadn't gotten tickets to the in-store event), when a man reportedly jumped a metal barrier and knocked him to the ground. Police and security quickly intervened, and Bieber was escorted inside to meet privately with more fans. (There's some aerial video of the incident here, although it's hard to tell what's going on.)

"I had seen that guy going around but I didn't think anything of it," an eyewitness told ABC News. "And all of a sudden he just jumped and he literally tried to attack (Bieber). Three guys were holding this guy back... He just went crazy."

The news station reports that one young girl was overcome by the chaos and had to be carried away from the scene by the police. As for the attacker, he's reportedly been taken into custody and charged with disorderly conduct (and perhaps an order to pick on someone his own size). Bieber himself has yet to comment to the press.


Izabella Miko Izabella Scorupco Jaime King Jaime Pressly

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