Friday, July 20, 2012

REPORT: Sage Stallone Drug Dealer?

New reports are hitting the web today that make the Sage Stallone drug dealer scenario sound more possible. Obviously there is no evidence to confirm this speculation, but some people believe it could be true. As we reported yesterday, Sage Moonblood was found dead last Friday. That is only part of the story. The other part is that he was found with what authorities described as ?gigantic? pill bottles found near his body. I am thinking that means the kind you can almost fit your whole hand into. They are huge. Now TMZ is reporting that a law enforcement ?source? is wondering if he was involved in drug dealing. Apparently the evidence they found is leading them to believe they have to look at that possibility. What?s even crazier is that TMZ also wrote that authorities don?t think Sage was an addict. All that does is make the situation more confusing because it doesn?t explain his death. The huge pill bottles were reportedly empty, but were for prescriptions to generic Vicodin. If they were full, cops say that there could have been up to 500 pills. So if he wasn?t an addict, he could have been a big time drug [...]


Lacey Chabert Laetitia Casta Lake Bell Larissa Meek

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