Sunday, February 6, 2011

Kelly Osbourne: New Home, New Boyfriend, "New Life"

Kelly Osbourne: New Home, New Boyfriend, "New Life"

As of Christmas Day, Kelly Osbourne was still recovering from a rough breakup with her ex-fiancé, model Luke Worrall. But it seems that the new year has given Osbourne a chance to start over. The 26-year-old reality star has moved on to a new relationship and, according to the U.K. newspaper The Daily Mail, on Wednesday she moved into a brand new apartment.

"Today is really the first day of my new life," Osbourne tweeted on moving day. "After today all my trash will be taken out! I could not be happier! I'm getting a fresh start!"

The new apartment is in a fancy Los Angeles neighborhood where young stars like Lindsay Lohan and Nicole Richie have lived in the past. More importantly, the new man is rock musician Rob Damiani, a fellow Brit whom Kelly met in a U.K. club over the holidays. As of now, Damiani is still living overseas -- but that's okay. We think it's awesome that Kelly is independent enough to get her own place!

Kelly's life transformation began last year, when she revealed her new 50-pounds-slimmer figure on Dancing With the Stars. Now she's costarring in the upcoming Miley Cyrus film So Undercover, and has replaced the controversial Taylor Momsen as the new face of Madonna's Material Girl fashion line. We can hardly believe this is the same woman who had to enter drug rehab at age 19. Kelly Osbourne has worked hard to fight her demons, gain her independence and get where she is now. It's nice to see her finding the happiness she deserves. Lindsay Lohan, we hope you're paying attention!

Do you think Kelly Osbourne is an inspiration to other Hollywood starlets? Chime in below!


Kelly Ripa Kelly Rowland Kerry Suseck Kim Kardashian

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